The MLX90393 brings the highest flexibility in the Triaxis® portfolio's smallest packaged assembly. It is designed for micropower applications, with programmable duty cycles in the range of 0.1% to 100% allowing for configurable power consumption based on system requirements.

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Top features

  • Miniature QFN package 3x3mm

  • In-application run-time programmable functional parameters

  • Trade-off between current consumption, speed and signal noise with best-in-class Figure of Merit

  • Can be used to measure magnetic XYZ and temperature T or any combination thereof

  • Duty cycle between 0.1% and 100% (continuous burst)

  • Single measurement mode, burst mode and wake-up on change mode

  • SPI slave and/or I2C slave with 2 bits HW addressing and 5 bits SW

  • For certain encoder applications speed is crucial, which is possible by increasing the duty cycle to 100% (i.e. maximum current consumption) and minimizing the conversion time (i.e. higher data rate at the expense of more noise on the signal). Other battery powered applications that only require occasional sensor readout can opt for a different trade-off: reduced duty cycle (lower current consumption) and an average conversion time for reduced noise.
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Triaxis® micropower magnetometer  -  MLX90393

Product description

The MLX90393 is the newest addition to the Melexis position sensing portfolio, bringing the highest flexibility in the portfolio's smallest assembly. Complementing this, the magnetic field sensor IC is designed for micropower applications, with programmable duty cycles in the range of 0.1% to 100%.

The MLX90393 magnetic field sensor IC can be reprogrammed to different modes and with different settings at run-time. The sensor IC offers a 16-bit output proportional to the magnetic flux density sensed along the XYZ axes using the Melexis proprietary Triaxis® technology and also offers a temperature output signal. These digital values are available via I2C and SPI, where the MLX90393 is a slave on the bus.

By selecting which axes are to be measured, the raw data can be used as input for further post-processing, such as for joystick applications, rotary knobs, and more complex 3D position sensing applications. Unparallelled performance is achieved with this sensor, which is primarily targeting industrial and consumer applications.

Features and benefits

  • Miniature QFN package 3x3mm

  • In-application run-time programmable functional parameters

  • Trade-off between current consumption, speed and signal noise with best-in-class Figure of Merit

  • Can be used to measure magnetic XYZ and temperature T or any combination thereof

  • Duty cycle between 0.1% and 100% (continuous burst)

  • Single measurement mode, burst mode and wake-up on change mode

  • SPI slave and/or I2C slave with 2 bits HW addressing and 5 bits SW

  • For certain encoder applications speed is crucial, which is possible by increasing the duty cycle to 100% (i.e. maximum current consumption) and minimizing the conversion time (i.e. higher data rate at the expense of more noise on the signal). Other battery powered applications that only require occasional sensor readout can opt for a different trade-off: reduced duty cycle (lower current consumption) and an average conversion time for reduced noise.


Magnetic field sensor (magnetometer)


The MLX90393 is the newest addition to the Melexis position sensing portfolio, bringing the highest flexibility in the portfolio’s smallest assembly. Complementing this, the magnetic field sensor is designed for micropower applications, with programmable duty cycles in the range of 0.1% to 100%.

Magnetic field sensor (magnetometer)


The MLX90397 is a 3D magnetometer designed for position sensor applications with a +/-50 mT range with an adaptive range on BZ of +/-200 mT. It makes it ideal for battery-powered applications.

Magnetic field sensor (magnetometer)


The MLX90395 is a 3D magnetometer capable of measuring X, Y, and Z magnetic fields which extend the previously released, consumer-product-focused MLX90393.

Magnetic field sensor (magnetometer)


MLX90392 brings patented Triaxis® Hall magnetic-sensing technology to cost-conscious white goods, smart metering, gaming, and home-security sectors.

Webinar: 3D Magnetic Field Sensor IC (Magnetometer)


The MLX90395 is a 3D magnetometer intended for sensing the position of a magnet in space. This webinar will cover the the features that make the MLX90395 attractive for space, power, and cost constrained position sensing applications. Various example applications with different motion types will be discussed as well as a small demo with knobs, sliders, and joysticks.

Practical applications